• +1 (520) 534-0531

  • 47 W 13th St, New York, NY

  • royaltybankcompany@gmail.com

Savings Account

Savings Account

invetment & Retirement
Credit card









Starting with a minimum opening deposit of $50, Platinum Savings pays competitive rates while offering flexibility and easy access to your funds. Best of all, there’s no minimum balance requirement, and no monthly maintenance fee.

Account Features
  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $50
  • Minimum Balance Requirement: None
  • Six FREE Monthly Withdrawals*
  • Competitively Tiered Rate Structure
  • Optional ATM Card

*There is a $5 per-transaction fee for each withdrawal in excess of 6 per month. Limited items include transfers by telephone, computer, ACH, wire transfer, or any pre authorized or automatic transfers.




Our Super Money Market Account offers a great rate, the liquidity to access your funds easily and free online banking. This account gives you simple flexibility to keep pace with your daily life.

Account Features
  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $15,000
  • Minimum Balance Requirement: $15,000 Daily Ledger Balance
  • No Monthly Fee for Account Balances of $15,000*
  • Six FREE Monthly Withdrawals*

*$15 per-transaction fee for each withdrawal in excess of 6 per month. Limited items include transfers by telephone, computer, ACH, wire transfer, or any pre authorized or automatic transfers. ^$10 monthly fee if balance falls below required minimum.





One of our simplest ways to save toward your financial goals, Certificates of Deposit are available in a wide variety of maturities from 3 months to 5 years, and earn a market rate of interest. Accrued interest may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or at maturity, and can be automatically credited to a Prime Vista Holdings account or delivered to you. For added convenience with FDIC coverage, you may choose the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS®) to manage all of your certificates of deposit through a single bank relationship, on a single statement, without hassle.




If you’re planning your future retirement, you may choose to invest in a Prime Vista Holdings Individual Retirement Account (IRA). We offer Traditional and Roth IRAs that earn market rate of interest. Additional tax benefits may apply.

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